Friday, November 23, 2012

Discussion about "Competency Self-Assessment"by M.Azim Ulfati

  • Analyze your abilities in light of the seven competencies and determine which one is your strongest and how that strength contributes to your own effective performance. Provide specific examples to support your response.
Before I discuss about the competency of self assessment, I would like to say that I believe,  since Almighty God has created the world and human, he controlled and led the world nature directly and led human by other selected prophets and human.
And then I would say that leadership existed during the history in different styles and its importance enhanced and got further and further in all dimensions of life such as political, economical, military, cultural, social and civil affairs. It is incredible that in the current era which I would call technology, communication and Internet era. The governments, nations and companies are trying to promote to the highest economical and security peaks through leadership and insure their stability, safety and comfort of their life and their people and they  are in speculation and efforts of global peace and security to all human beings. This is not an easy thing to lead the world full of billions of people, it is all from the bless of great methods and styles of leadership that the leaders use in their daily life and give motives to their subordinates or followers and cause them to mobilization of progress, and development, stability and promotions of their community or these leaders use toxic leadership and lead their followers to failures and create huge disaster or tragedy in their community.

With that being said, it is now important to analyze my abilities in the light of seven competencies. I would choose three competencies out of seven competencies. The first one would be communication, second ethics and the third one is the change.

I used these three competencies in my daily life when I worked as a teacher in Defense University in Afghanistan. I would always choose to be a good speaker and to be able to communicate with my students at a high strategic level so that not only I would influence them as a leader that they do things for them but also I would encourage them to be a great leader and would always asked for changes and improvements in my classes and would always listened their good suggestions and would applied their positive suggestions to a change after an analysis and contemplations.

 I was a 22 years old young teacher of senior military and civilian leaders who were older than me and I used to be very professional and used the ethics competency to the highest levels. I used to face with ethical dilemma, which was arising due to their leaderships in their work or their family emergency work and the timing of schedules, which would encounter to an official assigned government schedule. For instance a lieutenant General would told me that his body guard has just got a message that the insurgents have attacked to his leadership province territory and he would need to quit the class and would return back after talking an hour or two on the phone with his deputy commander, in order to be a ware of the situation and to command his subordinates. It was the rules and regulations of the class and as well as the order of the leadership of college that no one is allowed to be outside the class more than 2 minutes during official class hours. If I would not let him he would have not cared and he would violated the rules of the class and would not have thought that I am a teacher there because he had the power and the command outside that class in many provinces and would have may be harmed me if I would not let him or may be if I would let him outside the class and if some thing was happening to him off or outside the class while he was marked present in the class, then I would have been responsible that why I let him off or outside the class and why he is also marked present in the attendance sheet. What did I have to do?

I was writing him a paper and would have communicated in a good and ethical way to him and would have told him to talk with the top management leadership of War College, it is above my authority to let you off the class. That was a good way to mark him absent or expel him from the class if he was not obeying the rules of the class and was not bringing to me an authorization paper from the top management leadership of college for being off the class and thus I would not had to be responsible for things that would have happened to him while he was off the class.

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