Sunday, February 10, 2013

 "Crafting and Executing Strategy" by M.Azim Ulfati

I would like to develop an argument supporting the importance of a strategic plan for the success of a business. I will then create a mission statement for the company explaining how the mission will be essential to the company’s success. I will create a vision statement for the company explaining how the vision statement supports the company’s mission. I will also establish five (5) key objectives for the company encompassing operational, financial, and human resource aspects of the business and justify why each of these objectives is essential to the success of the business. And lastly I will justify how the five (5) key objectives established support the mission and vision statements of the company as defined.

1. "Develop an argument supporting the importance of a strategic plan for the success of the defined business."
            Whole foods Market is the selected business that I would like to discuss upon at its best possible manner. Whole food Market started its work from a local supermarket for natural and health foods in Austin Texas in to the biggest retail chain of natural and organic foods supermarkets. (Thompson & John E, 2009)  Strategic plan in this business is designed to ensure the business to grow and expand appropriately. It guides the business to move on based on a designed plan. With this, it is for sure that things can also be managed at an active pace. I guess strategic planning can be the process that covers up defining strategy, direction and as well as making effective decisions. At the same time, the best possible decisions can be taken to set an allocation of resources. Current situations must be considered as well just as to make use of specific course of action too.
   It is very essential to understand   the value of having a strategy for the company to insure the success of how we plan to operate and be a competitor in the food industry. Perpetual and good communication of a strategic vision from the lower levels of management is very important for a perfect and good strategy of long-term directions that top management has demanded or planned. The company or industry vision’s has to well define in writing that where the company is going and why therefore it can be understood and supported by the members of the organization. The future of the company is required to have a convincing plan so that its members feel that those being there will have some meaning and feel as though they are a part of something.
            Strategic planning is considered very important as it supports in matching strengths of business with marketplace opportunities. Strategic plan also plays a role as a road map for the business. It covers up many diverse areas such as sales, customers, finance, marketing etc. All these areas are cohered so as to make goals achievable. This indicates that the progress and development of strategic plan is very much needed in order to let the foods business to grow (Bryson, 2011).
Executive’s ability to paint an inspiring picture of the company’s journey and destination is an important element of effective leadership and it attains best possible resultants.
Also the foods business may find a better path to better goals and at the same time it supports the business to target an appropriate path in terms with realizing pre planned goals and it can lead to carry its practices accordingly in an effective manner.
            The need of the hour expresses that the situations need to be made controlled and well-versed also. There is a possibility for a big demand and need to go forward for possessing the best possible control upon one or the other related areas. It is a must to go for seeing to it that things are moving on smoothly and efficaciously. It would be very much effective to go for handling situations at its best.

2. "Create a mission statement for the company explaining how the mission will be essential to the company’s success."
            The mission statement is basically designed as to assist the organization to go on forward a better path. Mission statement is usually a short-term goal and objective. It is being designed in a clear and précised order to state the actual motto of the business. With this, the business would get at promising moves so as to make it realized. Mission statement is clearly defined for the sake of stating the essential and basis reason behind the foundation and establishment of the business. It seems to be the best possible move just as to make people know about life and actuality of the business.
            It is an important part of the company to get well familiar with the fact as to what stands to be the real cause behind establishment of the business. So the foods business is made for making its business practices useful. Its mission statement is linked with foods the necessary organic ingredients in a good way. It needs to be very much qualitative and top in its performing. It would also ensure that things are going on smoothly and efficaciously too. Mission statement shall be devised in order to assist or help the business to grow and excel in the best possible way (Olsen, 2011).
The goal needs to increase the clients awareness about the brand and quality of the foods through integrated marketing strategies to control and lead the customers overall marketing efforts.
It is done by offering traditions, customs, social media, cause marketing campaigns, building the brand of identity of our various foods designed for the customer’s business goals. There must be a long-term relationship with the customers, community and the region. Mission Statement is necessary to the agency or industry’s success because it not only distinguishes the company’s performance about who we are and what we do but also it indicated that why we are here. ( Safranski, Ph.D & Kwon, Ph.D Ph.D, 1990)
            This way business is set to mark best possible growth and progression. Basically, the business duly believes to make foods better and the best. With this, it is for sure that customers can be made happy and satisfied as well. It plays a crucial role from the standpoint of ensuring great success and achievement to the business. Business success is very much needed and can also be made out possible by means of mission statement.

3. "Create a vision statement for the company explaining how the vision statement supports the company’s mission."
A vision is a statement of what or how you would like things to be in the long term to help the business stand for a long period of time. A vision statement is a picture of the future you’re working to form to help the business for forming an ideal position as how and, what you want to be when you grow up, what you want your business to become in the world. It would allow the business to go on forward properly and effectively.
It is expected to understand forming based on the situations as to grow on smoothly and perfectly. Without knowing a vision of where you are going, how you develop a plan to get there and how will you know when you have arrived?
We must ensure that the business would move on effectively based on developing our plan to get to our goal, if we don’t know and have not any visions of where we would like to be, we can continue hiking various trails through life, climbing mountain after mountain, ultimately we may find out each time that we have got some where that we don’t really want to be.
Nothing was ever formed without having a vision. It leads us, gives us instructions and goal, and can serve as a powerful motivator for those around us and ourselves. In order to truly guide and motivate a vision must:
First to be aligned with the core values of both the individuals and the foods business and second to be properly communicated to and accepted by everyone involved in the foods business.
            Vision statement of the business is to stand still at the marketplace. Usually mission statement is supported by vision statement in a way that it leads to make things well-versed at company’s part.
            Business so planned out would be made running by devising vision statement. It would play an active role just as to make business growing and expanding. The purpose is to go for adopting far better practices as to mark far better resultants. This greatly wants or asks for seeing to it that the business is managing things effectively or not. Vision statement along with mission adds on growth to the business.

4. "Establish five (5) key objectives for the company encompassing operational, financial, and human resource aspects of the business and justify why each of these objectives is essential to the success of the business."
             Accomplishing key objectives or goals require establishing and achieving several specific objectives
             The five key objectives for the company encompassing operational, financial, and human resource aspects of the business are to get the operational standards, maximizing the output and cutting extra costs, optimizing human resources, devising better strategies just as to attain the goals, controlling the unfavorable areas. All of these mentioned items altogether are considered to be effective so as to let the business to grow and expand accordingly. This tends to be very much effective just as to grow and develop.
The five of these mentioned objectives are considered to be very necessary to the success of the business. This demands for seeing to it that things are going on effectively. Objectives so described above would let the business to generate best possible results. Not only this, business can also be allowed to grow and expand at an incessant manner. It would lead to make things appropriate, managed and arranged according to priority. For instance an objective to a-stated goal can require that the dispatcher develop a route structure capable of providing three-hour service to any area within 20 miles of the city's center, with the service beginning within six months. 
An objective has to fit within a hierarchical network of other objectives that together contribute to the firm's ultimate goals and mission. Another objective can specify expanding employees and staff to drive the additional vehicles and to handle the expected increase in dispatching chores to supply foods or logistics to the customer. This system of setting priorities is called a hierarchy of objectives.

5." Justify how the five (5) key objectives established support the mission and vision statements of the company as defined in the assignment."
                 The five key objectives so established would surely support the mission and vision statements of the company as defined in the assignment. This is so because the objectives stated are connected to the pursuit of mission and vision statement. This greatly demands for seeing to it that things are going on smoothly and efficaciously. Not only this, the business would achieve heightened level of success (Tallant, 2011).
                    The business would be able to get best possible outcomes with respect to arriving at a better position. Food business would be able to mark its entry by means of above stated aspects. This would surely ensure that every thing is testing out to be highly acceptable, appropriate and affirmative at business part. Business would surely be able to realize its goals at its best.
I guess the formulation of a mission, vision statement, goals and objectives is a complex and continual process. It must be developed, processed and implemented to ultimate performance.

1-Thompson, J., & John E, G. (2009). Crafting and executing strategy. Whole foods Market in 2008:Vision,Core Values and Strategy,
2-Bryson, J.M. (2011). Strategic Planning for Public and Nonprofit Organizations: A Guide to Strengthening and Sustaining Organizational Achievement. (4th ed.). John Wiley & Sons.
3-Safranski, Ph.D, S., & Kwon, Ph.D Ph.D, I. (1990). Strategic planning for the growing business. Mission Statement,
4-Olsen, E. (2011). Strategic Planning Kit for Dummies. (2nd ed.). John Wiley & Sons.
5-Tallant, J. (2011). Final Strategic Plan - Underwater Turbine Induction System. GRIN Verlag.

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