Monday, November 19, 2012

Written by:M. Azim Ulfati

I would like to discuss why the President Joe’s employees need to understand the importance of how people form perceptions and make attributions, I will then evaluate which learning theory (either operant conditioning, social learning theory, or the learning theory I researched would be most appropriate Joe Salatino, President of Great Norther American 
--> to apply in this situation and explain why, further more I will discuss ways that Joe could apply the learning theory I selected to improve employees’ performance and lastly I will determine how Joe could leverage an understanding of the value of self-efficacy to ensure he hires the most successful salespeople.

 Discuss why the president Joe’s employees need to understand the importance of how people form perceptions and make attributions.
I think there are many reasons that Joe’s employees need to understand the importance of how people form perceptions and make attributions and I would like to talk about some of them here.
Joe’s employee tries to keep the corporate culture of the company and they feel very accountable for building relations and influencing the organization’s teams and customers for the purpose of good sales, excellent customer service and gaining customer trust. The employees focus on the job to show how perceptions are influenced in relations to the business of the company and as well as state that attributions are explained in individuals responses to the actions of others and make sure to set effective perception of the organizational goals for the sales team.
Since Mr. Joe is the president and owner of the company, he has the authority to analysis the organization’s corporate culture, members of teamwork, customers. He can evaluate or assess either directly or indirectly and ask questions from the employees for their perception and ideas regarding the customers and improvement of company.

He would need to think and find answers for the following questions. It is an ethical way? We are looking for to meet the customers’ needs and their expectations or we target solely the interests of the Company? How the client sees us? What did we to bring this customer perception towards us?
However it is not easy to really talk in an open forum about the internal environment of the firm, President Joe has to search and get answers and choose good methods to know the internal views of the staff about the company.
Do the employees or staff feel that they are part of the organization? Are their opinions and ideas heard?
Does the company have any kinds of attitudes or standards? If yes, Do those attitudes and standards of the company help to the vision of employees or not?
How the employees think about the work of their related Department and do all the employees feel the perception is part of the corporate culture of the company or is it created for improvement?
President Salatino needs to indicate that do those perceptions finally influence the company negatively or positively? He has to find the differences within each person’s personality because every person has various types of management or motivational issues, thoughts, trainings and so on.
As I mentioned that since he is the president of the company and has the authority and accountability to bring changes, give advises, guidance to all the employees of the company. He has to bring positive reforms and help better understand the employees of the company about their accountably, missions and work within the company and he has the responsibility to do analysis about the perceptions and attributions methods of all employees who work for the company and get paid or rewards for their work.
Good communication is very important to sales representatives, they have to be able to communicate good with the customers and they have to be very confident at selling any thing they sell. Further more the employees need to have innovative thinking skills perception in order to build an excellent customer relationship so that customer feel that the seller understands his/her needs.
Thus it is very important for Joe’s employees to understand the importance of how people form perceptions and make attributions in order to be able to meet all the above-mentioned statements and have answers to the questions.
Evaluate which learning theory (operant conditioning, social learning theory, or the learning theory you researched in Week 3 would be most appropriate for Mr. Joe to apply in this situation and explain why.
I believe that the best learning theory that would be effective for Mr. Joe’s company can be the Social Learning Theory. This theory is based on the knowledge acquisition via the mental processing of information by watching, looking and imitating others.
Social learning theory is learnt from the behaviors of people in an environment through watching, listening, observing and taking notes of people’s behaviors, it is all because usually the learner looks at the result of the observed subject matter and adopts outcomes of behaviors in his/her life. These behaviors can be learnt either through a direct experience or indirect experience by noticing or listening the outcome of ones life behaviors that has happened.
Learning is often a social process and in this process compelling examples or the role models for how to think, different individuals and that which affects every one in a different way provide feel and act.
Social learning theorists believe that employees can learn appropriate workplace social behaviors by observing the organization's response to the behavior of other employees. Workers do not need to perform the correct behavior in order to learn it, because they are able to practice the behavior in their imagination. For example, an employee can imagine getting a bonus for a creative idea after observing another employee rewarded for doing so. People imitate the behavior of those they admire or respect. This principle underlies celebrity-based advertising, which assumes individuals want to copy the behavior of popular and successful people. (Barbara)
Bandura argues that People learn through observing others’ behavior, attitudes, and outcomes of those behaviors. “Most human behavior is learned observationally through modeling: from observing others, one forms an idea of how new behaviors are performed, and on later occasions this coded information serves as a guide for action.” (Bandura).
Operant conditioning is a learning methodology that occurs through rewards and punishments for behavior. An association is made between a behavior and a consequence for that behavior through operant
As I have already discussed in week 3 discussion, I would like to emphasize that once again that when we live in a society we learn and practice various learning methods in different places from people with different cultures, thoughts and perceptions. For instance we can learn behaviorism by looking, watching family, friends, classmates and people around media, books brochures and so on. There is one of the ways of learning and that is called social learning theory. Social learning theory usually emphasized the importance of observing and modeling the behaviors, attitudes, and emotional reactions of others therefore it focuses on learning by observation and modeling. The theory basically evolved from behaviorism but now consists many of the opinions that cognitivists also hold; consequently it is some times called social cognitive learning.
Social learning theory states about how both environmental and cognitive factors interact to influence human learning and behavior. It focuses on the learning that occurs within a social context. It considers that people learn from one another, including such concepts as observational learning, imitation, and modeling.
 The place where I started my first work about seven years ago with an international company, I was not perfect and needed lots of things to learn from others and even there were things and subjects that I had never studied in any books and had no experience about it but when I started working and stayed within that office environment. I started to learn via theory and put that in practice with other co-workers and as well as watching, listening and looking and gained experience and ultimately I was able to do my job independently. When I gained experience and started my job independently, I promoted to higher position and got rise in pay and received many certificate of appreciations and recommendation letters from the directors and management office as a reward of my hard work and learning.

Discuss ways that Joe could apply the learning theory you selected to improve employees’ performance.
There are many ways that Joe could apply social learning theory to improve employee performance and they are like the following.
Joe must make sure that his organization needs employee behavior to conform to workplace performance standards and that make sure managers use training to improve employee's skills, increase the frequency of preferred behaviors and decrease undesirable behaviors. Mr. Joe must use Social learning theory for making an effective strategy to achieve his organization goals which includes providing opportunities to observe the organization rewarding desired workplace behaviors and punishing inappropriate behaviors
There are training ways where Joe can boost the company by applying them within the company for instance. Using Social Learning Theory in Training
It is effective to apply principles of social learning theory to workplace training in order to encourage instructors and employees to include anecdotal stories and demonstration videos or play-acting exercises to support concepts of good and bad workplace behavior. Social learning theory supports the concept that classroom training effectiveness improves when students admire the instructor. Trainers can take advantage of this predisposition by having guest lectures from successful employees.
( Barbara)
The next way can be Management Implications to be applied in Joe’s company
It is so important in the workplace that all managers apply good performance of past experience and show that all the staff learns great social behaviors by observing, listening or watching the way that other employees behave in various situations.
Managers must be consistent in their expectations of employee's social behavior and not give favorite staff or higher-ranking staff special treatment. Social learning theory reinforces the concept that managers must provide role models of good behavior. Managers can create social learning opportunities through individual rewards or praise given in public settings, for instance, staff meetings. Conversely, inappropriate social behavior, such as harassment, should be punished uniformly across the workplace in order to create the correct social context to modify behavior.
( Barbara)
Social learning theory sets forth the premise that people tend to unavoidably learn things they see or experience in a hands-on way. Behavior modeling in the workplace, a component of social learning theory, is the act of showing employees how to do something and guiding them through the process of imitating the modeled behavior. Behavior modeling has practical applications for daily work tasks as well as deeper applications for developing company culture.
Work Tasks
The president of the company Mr Joe has to make sure that the managers at his company use the most basic application of behavior modeling in the workplace. They need to sit down with employees and physically show them the proper ways to perform work tasks. Rather than simply telling employees how to do the things they need to do, or furnishing them with an instructional guide, take the time to perform the work yourself in front of them or pair them with experienced employees. Modeling behavior in this way allows employees to ask questions and gain insights from those with first-hand experience.
Work Ethic
Employees take cues from a range of behaviors displayed by management, both consciously and subconsciously. Managers' work ethic can have far-reaching effects on the culture of their companies. Employees model the behavior of their managers when it comes to being early for work, leaving late, taking reasonable breaks and seeing projects through to completion. If an executive consistently leaves the office an hour early, for example, it is very likely that other employees will take opportunities to sneak out early, as well, which can decrease the company's output. (David)
Mr. Joe needs to apply a great communication training system and apply it within the company from top management level to lower management levels. Their subordinates, creating another opportunity to strategically influence company culture, often model communication styles of managers. When managers speak courteously and professionally at all times, especially in conflict situations, employees are more likely to model this behavior, treating customers and each other with respect at all times. (David)
Mr Joe needs to apply social learning theory towards honesty within the company and that to start from him self.
Managers' commitment to honesty in the workplace provides a behavior model for all employees to see. If managers' and executives' actions are always in line with their words by following ethical guidelines, fulfilling promises made to employees, admitting their mistakes and coming to others for advice when they need it, employees are more likely to do the same in response. (David)
Workplace politics are highly influenced by social learning theory, giving employees cues as to what they need to do to fit in the social hierarchy of the company. Managers who display a firm commitment to equity and refuse to play office politics can inspire other employees to focus on professionalism and performance rather than political maneuvering in the office. (David)
Determine how Joe could leverage an understanding of the value of self-efficacy to ensure he hires the most successful salespeople.
Joe could effectively understand the value of self-efficacy to ensure he hires the most successful salespeople by first outlining his business plans, strategies and principles. In sales he would hires self-driven, motivated and enthusiastic people with outstanding skills.  If a candidate’s profile does not match the principles and have low self-efficacy he/she may not be accepted or given any jobs with the company. Potential high self efficacy candidate who have great skills, high ability of work performance and capable of doing missions and given tasks in a good manner that would nothing avoid them to stop the given task or projects would definitely accepted and given the chance to stay with the company. That is why Mr Joe hires employees with a high self-efficacy, which is necessary for the success of the company, and he keeps all the high self-efficacy employees to learn and accept company selling tactics, rules and policies to help exceed expectations of the company. Briefly I would say that he hires people according to three things. He sees clearly to make a good sales hire (someone that meets or exceeds expectation of the company: Job Clarity, Personal Attributes, and Corporate Culture. (James)
I believe Self-efficacy means performing a specific task successfully. Research indicates that the belief that we can perform something is a good predictor of whether we can actually do it. Self-efficacy is different from other personality traits. You may have high self-efficacy in being successful academically, but low self-efficacy in relation to your ability to fix your car. At the same time, people have a certain level of generalized self-efficacy, and they have the belief that whatever task or hobby they tackle, they are likely to be successful in it. (Frank, Keith, Douglas & Eli)
Based on my research about Mr. Joe’s success, I found out that he considers that self-efficacy at work is related to job performance. I think it is probably because people with high self-efficacy actually set higher goals for themselves and are more committed to their goals, whereas people with low self-efficacy tend to procrastinate. He is successful also because he hires qualified people with high self efficacy who are capable of doing the required job tasks, training people to increase their self efficacy which may be very effective and also he values verbal encouragement and incentive pays by showing the employees to believe that they can be successful and effectively play the role of leader, manager and are able to increase self efficacy beliefs and also he empowers people and give them opportunities to test their skills so that he can see what he/she is capable of.               
Joe Salatino, president of Great Northern American has been a unique leader where he keeps his staff and whole employees exceptionally motivated and determined to provide excellent customer service by the amount of money he is paying them others (Hellriegel & Slocum Jr., 2012).. He always tries to encourage and support his employees through either the large amount of incentives or pay, where the employees are recognized.
The perception, stereotype, and attributions that are perceived from people externally could cause the company to get a terrible reputation on how companies hast to keep their staff happy and satisfied.

The best learning theory that would be very productive for Joe’s company would be the Social Learning Theory. This theory refers to the knowledge acquisition through the mental processing of information by observing and imitating others (Hellriegel & Slocum Jr., 2012). Joe has great accountably and authority to effectively comprehend the value of self-efficacy to make sure he hires the best and the most successful salespeople by first outlining his business agenda, policies, strategies and plan and then figuring out what type of people is fit for the position. 

Bandura, A. (1973). Aggression: A Social Learning Analysis. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

Bandura, A. (1997). Self-efficacy: The exercise of control. New York: W.H. Freeman.

Barbara, B. (n.d.). Social learning theory in the workplace. Retrieved from

Bandura, A. (n.d.). Social learning theory (bandura). Retrieved from

David, I. (n.d.). Behavior modeling in the workplace. Retrieved from

Frank, Q., Keith, A. R., Douglas, E. H., & Eli, J. (n.d.). Motivating salespeople to sell new products:the relative influence of attitudes, subjective norms, and self-efficacy. Retrieved from

(Hellriegel & Slocum Jr., 2012)Joe salatino, president of great northern american case study. Retrieved from

James, E. M. (n.d.). Self-efficacy, adaptation, and adjustment:. theory, research, and application, Retrieved from

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