Author:M. Azim Ulfati
Product and Distribution Strategies
one of the following products: line of furniture manufactured from
recycled and reclaimed materials, custom designed jewelry, handicraft
supplies, or talk radio show.
- Select a distribution strategy for the product you chose.
- Describe specifically where and how your product would be sold.
- Describe the reasons for your strategy.
- Analyze the distribution strategies for broadcast and cable TV, Internet programming, and advertisers. Propose how these strategies might converge.
would choose radio talk show and I would create it in order to be able
to advertise my business and develop it. I will create a website first
and then I will be using my website as a great distributor and channel
of business and commercial advertisements, messages, funny tv shows,
exclusive interviews of notable professors, students and workers. First
hand copyright songs, music’s and other important videos, except members
of website; I would let visitors have 24/7 access to website and also I
would make sure to give right for the users to download videos and
audios from the website. Further more I would provide free apps in my
website so that my clients could use it freely and lastly I would set up
a radio station where it can cover a wide range of areas and find its
own listeners in the environment.
case of Secret Acres are great strategies but requires to change
because of time periods and the old ways of advertisement. Secret Acres
needs to come up with a better-sophisticated strategy not the old
traditional way of advertising. The way of advertisement has changed due
to development of technology. Comic book of heroes used to be
advertised with stores, radios, newspapers, and television channels and
as well as by word of mouth.
the past there was not such website as or to
sell the books online but now with this new strategy and development of
technology the people can buy books online from websites like Amazon
and Secret Acres or any other public websites or authors who would
display their books in their website, social medias such as facebook,
twitter, linked in and so on.
order to converge from the very old traditional way of advertising
strategy to a more sophisticated way of advertising. The company needs
to find the opportunity to find better and more developed ways of
advertising’s like advertising of comic books through not only word of
mouth but through social media such as Facebook, twitter, likned in,
Youtube, radios, televisions, and as well as it needs to use
relationship business and interact with people in different ages in
order to find a good market to distribute books and products and at the
same time compete with popular companies such as ebay, amazon and
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