Friday, December 21, 2012

"Motivation, Stress, and Communication" a discussion paper by M.Azim Ulfati


First of all I would like to define that a job description is a written statement of what the staff or employee actually works, how does he/she do it, and what the job’s working situations are. Many job descriptions consists of the following sections:
  1. Job Identification
  2. Job summary
  3. Responsibilities and duties
  4. Relationship
  5. Standards of Performance
Described will be ways that goal setting could be used to motivate performance after filling a position. In the paper analyzed will be the reactions to situations and discussed will be the steps that can be taken to manage the stress associated with the new position. Presented will be how to address nonverbal and cultural barriers to communication. The company researched will be a linguistics Company which is  global professional human-capital solutions services provider to government and corporate clients.
The company is leading provider of linguists, cultural advisers, intelligence, training and technical supporters with thousands of personnel in 13 countries across the Middle East, Africa, Asia and Europe.
Discuss ways that goal setting could be used to motivate your performance after you fill the position.
I would like to define goal before I discuss the ways that goal setting could be used to motivate my performance after I fill the linguistic position. ("Office of research,”)
Goals are the output, conclusions, or results that a person intends to get in a specified period of time. Goals usually need to be put in line step by step in order to be successfully achievable to an individual. If the goals are not set well step-by-step, it consequently leads to failure. It is better for the goal setter to read, review and think about improvement and better ways of achieving and accomplishing those goals in order to be able to fulfill it effectively and successfully. I will try my best to be on top of things and remove barriers that I may face a head of my job. I will start to make decisions and plan actions and will have a positive attitude towards my goals.
I will divide my time to various parts or sections of life, such as career, personal development, family, friends, finances, health and wellness, leisure time, physical environment, and spirituality. Goals can also span a variety of time periods. Some goals can be long-term: 3 to 5 or more years. Others are midterm: 1 to 3 years. Still others are more immediate and short-term: 1 to 12 months.
I will create goals to provide me structure and purpose for my personal college (academic) and professional activities.
I will put in writing all my tasks and duties based on a series of steps before taking any actions and will review it and make sure that I can do it if I go through series of steps if not I will fail. In this case I need motivation therefore I need to motivate myself through one type of motivation within myself and that can be my belief system and that belief system must be motivated by myself in order to move myself toward the goal which I already set.
In order to get to my goals, I need to have a specific, attainable, tangible, measurable and realistic goal. As I said it can be done through developing my plans through the rewards, which I may get every three months or every six months. Sometimes I know it can be hard for me to bring changes in my behavior from USA life to Afghan life but it can be done only if I have a clear and positive attitude towards my goals, which I set the very first time.
When I will work on my goals, I will put in the best effort and work harder. ("Managing your emotions,”)
I regularly set goals and objectives to achieve my vision for my life.
I use happy reward time (and consequences) to keep myself concentrated. For instance, if I complete my report on time, I will take a coffee break.
I will believe that if I work good and hard and apply my abilities and talents, I will be successful
I worry about deadlines and getting things done, which causes stress and anxiety.
When an unexpected event threatens or jeopardizes my goal, I can tend to walk away, set a different goal, and move in a new direction.
I tend to do the minimum amount of work necessary to keep my boss and my team satisfied.
The last thing I will focus and concentrate in my surroundings to the people and resources that are available and remind myself of my goals to help my internal motivation. These can be all external factors that aid me to motivate myself from the outside.
. I will also try to do the following:
Look for teamwork opportunities. Working in a team makes me accountable to others.
Ask my boss for specific targets and objectives to help me measure my success..
Set up some goals that I can easily achieve. Quick wins are great for getting me motivated.
Buddy up with people whom I trust to be supportive, and ask them to help keep me accountable.
Try not to work by myself too much. Balance the amount of time I work from home with time spent working with others.
When I start my self-motivation program, I may tend to rely heavily on
All of the above mentioned external factors will help me a lot and as I get more comfortable and confident with my self-motivation, I'll probably use them only as needed, and for a little extra help.
If I had set and use effective goal setting strategies, I may experience less stress or may be no stress and anxiety and will perform, concentrate better and will be very happy and satisfied in my daily lives.
To achieve more, I need to increase the factors of motivations.
Analyze your own reactions to stressful situations and discuss the steps you could take to manage the stress associated with your new position.
If I am faced with a stressful situation at my new job, I will react and would take the following steps to be able to manage the stress associated with my new position.
The first thing I would do to make sure to make a new schedule and time table in order to manage my one year or two years contract of the company the new position. And there are a variety of steps I can take to manage both my overall stress levels and the stress I find associated with my new job. These include the following.
I need to take responsibility for betterment of my physical and emotional well being.
I need to Avoid pitfalls by recognizing knee jerk habits and negative behaviors that add to the stress at work.
I need to Learn better communication skills in order to ease and improve relation with colleagues and friends. (Don & John W, 2012)
I would have to identify warning signs of stress at work
If I find out that I feel overwhelmed at work, I may lose confidence and may become irritable or withdrawn. This can make me reduce productivity and effectiveness in my job, and make the work seem less rewarding. If I reject the warning signs of work stress, they can lead to major difficulties and challenges. Beyond interfering with job performance and satisfaction, chronic or intense stress can also lead to physical and emotional health problems.
I would have to manage job stress by not neglecting about my self
As soon as I find out that stress is interfering at work with my abilities to do in my task and work and well manage my personal life then I decide and take actions. I will focus and won’t neglect to my physical and emotional health. Once I found out that I am good and well taken care of then I will be better and ready to manage stress and fight with it and will not be overwhelmed.
Taking care of my self-taking steps toward a positive lifestyle will reduce stress level both at work and at home.
I will start moving to do some great and regular exercise that can relieve my stress and I will do that one as the last thing in my schedule.
I will try to get enough sleep
Stress and worry usually causes insomnia and not having enough sleep causes problems, harms and stress. I would try to rest good and improve the quality of my sleep by managing and keeping a good time table. I will try to sleep about 8 hours a night.
Manage and reduce job stress by prioritizing and organizing
I guess workplace stress may threaten and overwhelm me then I will take the following steps in order to reduce job stress by prioritizing and organizing my responsibilities as the following.
I will manage my time.
I will create a good balanced schedule. I will think and set my schedule, daily responsibilities, tasks and will balance my schedule between work and family life, social activities, responsibilities and downtime.
I won’t over-commit myself.
I will prevent from the crowd and lots of loads all in one day work in my schedule. I will estimate or make sure how long do I need for doing each task. I will focus and do those task that are most important than the ones that are least important and will rethink if things or tasks that are not important at all I will remove or eliminate them from my schedule.
I will try to leave early in the morning or evening based on the shift of my job. I would always leave home 10-15 minutes early in case if I would stuck in the rush hour. I would make sure to have enough time to ease in to my day and won’t add any stress on my by running late.
I will decide and plan to have regular breaks, like 5 to 10 minutes after every 3 hours. I will plan time for lunch break and would step a way, relax and recharge my self by having good food and drinks.
I will manage my task and will prioritize tasks, break projects into small steps, delegate responsibility, be willing to compromise.
I will manage and reduce job stress by improving emotional intelligence
Emotional intelligence is the ability to manage and use your emotions in positive and constructive ways. When it comes to satisfaction and success at work, emotional intelligence matters just as much as intellectual ability.
 I will communicate with others in the ways that draw people to me, overcome differences, repair wounded feelings, and defuse tensions and stress.
I will consider the following emotional intelligence in the workplace:
Social awareness 
Relationship management (A Trusted None Profit Resource)
I will manage and reduce job stress by breaking bad habits 
Based on the experience which I gain from every day work life, I would learn to manage stress and improve my work relationships, I will control my abilities and deeply think to do good and break the bad habits which are not acceptable in work place and environment and will change negative thinking to positive thinking.
I will take time away. When stress is mounting at work, I will try to take a quick break and move away from the stressful situation. I will take a stroll outside the workplace if possible, or spend a few minutes meditating in the break room. Physical movement or finding a quiet place to regain my balance can quickly reduce stress.
I will talk it over with someone. In some situations, simply sharing my thoughts and feelings with someone I trust that can help reduces stress. Talking over a problem with someone who is both supportive and empathetic can be a great way to let off steam and relieve stress.
I will connect with others at work. I will develop friendships with some of my co-workers who can help buffer me from the negative effects of stress. Remember to listen to them and offer support when they are in need as well.
I will look for humor in the situation when used appropriately, humor is a better way to relieve stress at work. When I or those around me  begin getting things too seriously, find a way to lighten the mood by sharing a joke or funny story.
I will improve communication
Share information with employees to reduce uncertainty about their jobs and futures.
Clearly define employees’ roles and responsibilities.
Make communication friendly and efficient, not mean-spirited or petty.
I will cultivate a friendly social climate to provide opportunities for social interaction among employees set a zero-tolerance policy for harassment. (A Trusted None Profit Resource)
Imagining yourself in the position you have described, discuss how you would address nonverbal and cultural barriers to communication.
For instance, If I filled a linguistic position and deployed to Afghanistan, I would say that I can help a lot to the people of Afghanistan, USA and international community with my linguistic skills and the rich cultural knowledge that I have about Afghanistan. I have seen a lot of problems in Afghanistan mostly resulting from the inability of people in today’s working environment to penetrate barriers.  If I use my linguistic skills and well communicate and interpret on my part that can reduce cultural barriers. As we all know that communication is like a linking function (bridge) between one, two or more people. People can talk and do all businesses through this link path with feelings, ideas, thoughts, values, facts, sympathy,  and so on.
As we all know cultural differences can cause lots of problems in a society if it is not well respected and practiced.  If a person does not know the language of a country, it can be extremely difficult for he/she to communicate with different culture through gestures, hand signals and so on. The other thing for instance religious issues in a society is very sensitive and that can be a barrier, if it is not well respected.

Goal setting is so much important in a job. Goals usually require to be put in line step by step in order to be successfully achievable to an individual. If the goals are not set well step-by-step, it consequently leads to failure. It is better for the goal setter to read, review and think about improvement and better ways of achieving and accomplishing those goals in order to be able to fulfill it effectively and successfully.
And there are a variety of steps that can be taken to manage overall stress levels and the stress, which can be associated with the new job. If the steps are well taken then the stress won’t affect lives.
There are many challenges and problems that we face in our environment due to the inability of people in the work environment that has been caused by the cultural barriers.
It is important to manage our communication and cultural awareness and remove the barriers and work in an environment with less stress or no stress.
Communication functions as a bridge that links people to people/person to persons or person. Thus if all the above-mentioned subjects are well taken care of, there is going to be less stress or no stress and not cultural barriers.


(n.d.). Office or research and assessment, syracus university. Defining Goals and Objectives, Retrieved from

(n.d.). Managing your emotions at work. Controlling Your Feelings.. Before They Control You, Retrieved from

A Trusted None Profit Resource, H. (n.d.). Stress at work. TIPS TO REDUCE AND MANAGE JOB AND WORKPLACE STRESS, Retrieved from

Don, H., & John W, S. (2012). Organizational behavior. Interpersonal Communication in Organization,

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